Klay Thompson just dropped a major hint on his future with the Warriors

Klay Thompson
Klay Thompson / Thearon W. Henderson/GettyImages

The offseason hasn't started yet but it already appears that the Golden State Warriors will soon look much different. There was already a recent report that the Warriors may likely move on from long-time center Kevon Looney and now comes the latest from the Klay Thompson front.

Thompson and the Warriors still seem to be far apart on a new contract, with time running out before he'll hit free agency. So much so that Thompson has even unfollowed the team on Instagram. There are a couple of ways to interpret his decision to unfollow Golden State.

The most obvious way is that he is attempting to put pressure on his team by making it seem as though he is ready to leave. The other is that Thompson is actually willing to play elsewhere and there are a couple of options should he opt to do so.

Is Klay Thompson really prepared to leave the Golden State Warriors this summer?

Just the fact that Thompson has been negotiating with his team on a new deal for around a year suggests that Golden State is unwilling to budge on a new contract. That isn't entirely them being stingy, however, since they have the eighth-most expensive payroll in the NBA and stand to get more expensive with Jonathan Kuminga's looming contract extension.

The Warriors being prepared to waive their backup center to save $5 million in salary and much more in the luxury tax shows that they are serious about cutting costs in an attempt to stay out of the second apron. With Golden State limited, the Orlando Magic could swoop in and make a strong offer since they will have a large amount of cap space and a need for shooting.

The Philadelphia 76ers may also have an interest in Thompson, giving him options and the Warriors competition to keep him. As a result, his unfollowing Golden State may be a combination of posturing and also accepting that they probably aren't going to budge much on their offer.
