#14: Sacramento Kings
The Sacramento Kings barely edge out the winning percentage of the Wolves, which is the only reason why they find themselves here. Back when I was in middle school, we tried to see if anyone could list all 30 NBA teams. We forgot the Blazers and Kings, but when the kid with the phone told us the cities that the teams we were in, we managed to remember Portland. That was not the case with the Kings, and I don’t think that’s rare for most fans.
I was in middle school in 2013. The Kings last made the playoffs in 2006. That was before I started kindergarten. I’m truly sorry for my northern Californian friends. The Buffalo Sabers hold the NHL’s longest streak with 11, and even the lowly Detroit Lions have made the playoffs since.
Only the Seattle Mariners have a longer playoff drought with 20 seasons since their glory days, but at the time of writing, that streak could be broken as soon as this season. I don’t think the Kings will be playoff bound anytime soon unless they make shocking moves.
If you remember the Rochester team of 1951, I applaud you. Mostly for even finding this website, but also for making it this far in life. Yes, they won the Finals, but I’m only counting teams in their current home.