Now that the 2022 NBA Draft is in the books, fans of the league can go back to doing what they do best. – proclaiming to know more or be ahead of the curve on certain teams and players than the next fan.
Is this phenomenon unique to basketball? Probably not. But when you’re this into the sport yourself, fans like these can seem pretty all-consuming, especially online.
Ranking the top 3 League Pass teams after the 2022 NBA Draft
Admit it, though, when you get something right that not many others did then you too are quick to point out how great you are and dine out on that call for years afterward. It is at this point that I need to bring up the fact that I thought Kawhi Leonard was going to be a superstar from the moment he was drafted. Fair is fair, however, and I was also the person who thought that MarShon Brooks was going to be one of the 15 best players in the league.
Few topics get the hardcore fans as involved as talking about their favorite League Pass teams, because as we all know, their propensity to watch bad teams featuring future stars makes them a better fan than you. If you look beyond the need to one-up each other though, watching these teams trying to find their way is actually a lot of fun.
They lose more games than they win, but amongst that, you can see them integrating high draft picks, trying to create an identity, and deciding which guys are going to be part of the long-term plans.
There is always that one, disgruntled, veteran who would rather be anywhere else than on that team’s bench as well. So without further ado, here are the way too early top three League Pass teams for next season, now that the draft is complete.