Ranking all 30 NBA jerseys: 13. Phoenix Suns
The Phoenix Suns are set up for success simply because of the color combinations available to them. Orange and purple as a combo just works, and it affords the Suns a lot of options to create great-looking uniforms, which they do to (mostly) great success.
The font they use in the above white Association jerseys really pops, and the orange and purple around the neckline and down the sides looks great. The purple jerseys are more of the same; “Phoenix” doesn’t look as good as “Suns,” but since the other local teams all claim “Arizona” in their names it makes sense for the Suns to emphasize the city connection.
Where the Suns go slightly off-course is with their Statement jersey. It’s an all-orange look with the team’s logo on the front, a flaming ball that evokes thoughts of… wait for it …the sun.
They are attempting everything I want them to attempt, working in the logo more prominently, tipping the cap to historical jerseys, etc. I just don’t like how it all comes together, especially the poor contrast of yellow flames around light orange basketball and against a darker orange background.
Finally, we can’t leave without discussing one of the greatest City Edition jerseys out there, “The Valley” jerseys. The colors, the pixels, the black, the font – all of it works beautifully. If this were the team’s Statement jersey and part of this evaluation, the Suns would have been borderline top-five on this list.
Wife Take: I’m running out of things to say. It looks fine. The orange jersey looks like they’re rooting for carrots – that’s a lot of orange. . The Valley? Of what? It’s pretty dark – is it the Valley of the Shadow of Death? I’m from Ohio, I don’t know about geography in wherever the Suns play.