The acrimony between Ben Simmons and the Sixers is so thick it fills the air. At some point, something’s gotta give, and that something will likely come in the form of a trade.
That trade probably can’t take place until the December 15th deadline when 2021 free-agent signees can be traded, which means our awkward Philadelphia standoff likely has a couple more months to go. As time passes though, the Sixers will be keeping their eye on a handful of teams who may be on the precipice of needing a huge change and a desperate trade for Simmons.
Ben Simmons and the Sixers are hoping for a split, but there’s a waiting game that needs to take place. Until then, these 2 teams merit their attention.
So far, Simmons has sat out, intent on never playing for the Philadelphia 76ers again or even setting foot in their facility. He was willing to pay whatever fines necessary to never have to face his demons in Philly again. At least until he actually got fined, and then he hustled his way back to Philadelphia to report.
Since then he’s been kicked out of practice for failing to participate in a drill as instructed by head coach Doc Rivers, fined again, spoke to his team, and is now about to receive evaluation from medical professionals regarding his mental state. It’s been a heck of a week for the young man and the team he is contractually obligated to play for to the tune of another four years and $143 million.
As the Sixers seek to wait out the December 15th deadline while trying to keep Simmons from utterly poisoning the wells, let’s take a look at a couple of teams that both parties are watching intently.
We can likely rule out Eastern Conference opponents as the Sixers probably aren’t interested in dealing with teams they may have to face in the playoffs. Thus, for the purposes of our exercise, both teams we’ll talk about here are Western Conference teams.
Let’s start with a West team off to a great start: The Golden State Warriors.