NBA: 30 NBA players you forgot acted in movies or TV shows

Photo by Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Getty Images
Photo by Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Getty Images /
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Chris Bosh
Chris Bosh, Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images /

NBA: 30 NBA players you forgot acted in movies or TV shows – Chris Bosh

Chris Bosh is seemingly underrated at every turn, which is unfortunate for such a beloved and talented person. Doomed my virtue of his role to live in the shadow of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade on the Miami Heat, Bosh’s career was then cut short by blood clots, preventing him from establishing himself post-LeBron as one of the NBA’s all-timers.

What has also gone mostly unnoticed is Bosh’s forays into television, which is a shame because he is actually quite funny. Bosh shows up in Parks and Recreation, not just as Indiana-connected eye candy but as an actual NBA star.

That same year, 2013, Bosh made a cameo in another show, the widely-watched “Jessie” on Disney Channel. He doesn’t just show up, but he has interactions with each of the children in the show. He gets in a dig at LeBron’s love of Justin Bieber, solicits some oddly-prescient advice on pink uniforms for the Miami Heat, and overall carries himself as well as any guest actor should be expected to.

Those appearances are fairly common for NBA players, even if Bosh handles them better than most. What is unique is that Bosh also stepped in and voiced an animated character in Disney’s “Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.” in 2014. He was Heimdall, the all-seeing gatekeeper of Asgard. This was a legitimate role, with a number of speaking parts. Well done for Bosh!