Star Wars Day: NBA stars and their Star Wars counterparts

Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian in THE MANDALORIAN. Image Courtesy Disney+
Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian in THE MANDALORIAN. Image Courtesy Disney+ /
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Star Wars, NBA
Star Wars, NBA Photo by Elsa/Getty Images /

NBA stars and their Star Wars counterparts: Kevin Durant = Kylo Ren / Ben Solo

Kevin Durant is a unique human being, with the height of a center and the frame of a praying mantis and the game of a shooting guard. Few players in NBA history have combined his level of talent, skill and size. He had all the potential in the world coming into the league, and he has capitalized on it as well as anyone could have expected.

Yet at the same time, he can’t simply be thankful for where he is in life, but instead finds ways to be unhappy. Durant cares too much what other people think about him, to the point that he owns multiple “burner” Twitter accounts and seeks out the “haters” to argue with them on social media. He is powerful, but he is also moody.

Remind you of anyone in the Star Wars universe? As the grandson of Darth Vader and the son of Han Solo, Ben Solo was set up for success. He was one of the most powerful people in galactic history, and he did grow into an accomplished Force user. But he continued to stay unhappy.

To hearken back to another comparison earlier in this piece, both Durant and Solo spent time with Steph Curry / Luke Skywalker. Yet both were unhappy, and ultimately chose to pursue what was best for them and not what was best for those around them. Durant went to the Brooklyn Nets to pursue a title as the lead guy, and Solo turned to the Dark Side and became Kyle Ren.