Star Wars Day: NBA stars and their Star Wars counterparts

Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian in THE MANDALORIAN. Image Courtesy Disney+
Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian in THE MANDALORIAN. Image Courtesy Disney+
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Star Wars, NBA
Star Wars, NBA Photo by Daniel Shirey/Getty Images

NBA stars and their Star Wars counterparts: Steph Curry = Luke Skywalker

In the original Star Wars movie, now titled “A New Hope” we meet young Luke Skywalker. He hardly looks impressive, but we learn over the course of the movie he has a couple of unexpected abilities. He is the son of a famous Jedi, can tap into the Force just like his father, and is a talented pilot with elite sharpshooting skills. He goes on to defeat the Empire and re-found the Jedi Order

Sound familiar? The Babyfaced Assassin himself, Stephen Curry, has a story similar to Luke Skywalker’s. Curry’s dad, Dell, played years in the NBA and distinguished himself as a capable shooter. Curry is not just a shooter like his father but has become the greatest shooter in league history.

Similar to Luke he has founded an entirely new school of NBA superstardom, the elite outside shooter. In A New Hope Skywalker hits a “one-in-a-million” shot to blow up the planet-killing Death Star. Curry has a few of those to his name, including his iconic pull-up 3-pointer in February 2016 to knock off the Oklahoma City Thunder. Can you imagine Luke Skywalker launching those proton torpedoes towards the exhaust vent and Mike Breen yelling “Bang….Bang!” as the entire Death Star explodes?

Last season Curry missed the entire year due to a broken hand, but he came back this season as good or better than ever, setting new records for shooting and scoring. In The Empire Strikes Back Luke also suffers a hand injury (his is cut clean off by Darth Vader), but gets a cybernetic hand and returns even more powerful than before. Now we just have to wonder if Curry will become a grouchy hermit in his old age and live in an alien monastery.