Top 10 NBA players all-time who lack a major fan base

Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images
Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images /
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8. Chris Webber

Chris Webber is like that old English book you studied in high school. Although it wasn’t that long ago, everyone forgot just how special it was compared to everything else. And for whatever reason, you only come across Webber if you’re intentionally learning NBA history. If not, no one in the real world will talk about him. That has something to do with the fact that he played for seven NBA teams in 15 seasons.

Renowned for his Sacramento Kings days, he was traded there in 1998. At that point, the Kings had been to the playoffs once in 11 seasons. Every year Webber was there, they made the playoffs. They could have even beaten the championship Lakers one year if not for some dodgy officiating.

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Before that, he won Rookie of the Year for the Golden State Warriors and took them to the playoffs. He leaves, no playoffs. Same thing for the Washington Bullets. This man was LeBron before LeBron, his team would always go to the playoffs and fall apart once he left.

But unlike LeBron James, Webber is never recognized as one of the best passers of all time for his position. The man averaged more assists than the great and selfless Tim Duncan. And Webber never played in a pass-first San Antonio Spurs system. Webber also averaged twice as many steals as Duncan for his career.