NBA 2004 Redraft: Picking between high school and college champions

(Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
(Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) /
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(Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)
(Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images) /

#14 Pick: Devin Harris (Originally: Kris Humphries)

While this Utah team is heading for a down season that would result in them being able to draft Deron Williams, the pieces are in place for future success. Raja Bell, Carlos Boozer, Matt Harpring, Andrei Kirilenko and Mehmet Okur are in place.

There is talent on this roster. Kris Humphries may have been a pop culture joke later in his career but he was not a bad role player. But giving them a starter rather than someone who will always be playing behind the aforementioned forwards seems smarter.

Devin Harris is a solid answer for a team in clear need of a point guard. He was a brilliant extension of the coach on the floor and pairing him with Jerry Sloan feels like a perfect fit. His career numbers suffer due to a severe dip in production after turning 30 but his peak in New Jersey gives an idea of what you could have expected for this particular Jazz team.

During his lone All-Star season in the east, he posted averages of 21.3 points, 6.9 assists, 3.3 rebounds and 1.7 steals per game. He posted eight straight seasons where he averaged over five assists per game and was a smart defensive player.

He fit the Jazz culture under Sloan so well and would have paired well with Deron Williams in certain lineups should the Jazz still be in a position to draft him the following season.

With the fifteenth pick in the 2004 NBA Redraft, the Boston Celtics select…