The 2019-20 season was without a doubt the most bizarre campaign in NBA history. We’ll take a look back at the six strangest things that happened this year.
There’s never been a season in NBA history quite like the 2019-20 season. Things that will barely make this year’s honorable mention list would have been jaw-dropping events in other seasons.
Unfortunately, there’s been very little whimsy in the weirdness of the season. For the most part, it’s been anything but joyful. Exciting stories like the dominance of the Milwaukee Bucks may end up being nothing but a footnote in NBA history if the season ends up being canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Will Giannis Antetokounmpo win his second-straight MVP award? Sure. Awards will most likely be given out regardless of the completion of the season (they’re regular season awards, after all), and his monstrous lead on the field will absolutely legitimize his claim.
LeBron James has had the greatest 17th season in history, and the best age-37 season as well. It’s going to matter, because all of this matters. But it won’t escape the cloud that will forever hang over the NBA’s 2019-20 campaign.
This season has mostly been dark and grim. With a pandemic putting the league on hold and threatening the rest of the season and playoffs, the death of one of the league’s most beloved superstars, bizarre cross-conference rivalries and organizational disfunction with more than one team ratcheted up to maximum levels, there won’t ever be another season like this again.
And thank goodness for that.
We’ll count down the six strangest things that have happened so far this season in the NBA.