15 players you forgot played for the Golden State Warriors

(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images) /
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(Photo by Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty Images)
(Photo by Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty Images) /

9. Derek Fisher (2004-06)

The 2003-04 season was a tumultuous run for the Los Angeles Lakers, culminating in a shocking 4-1 defeat to the Detroit Pistons in the NBA Finals.

To get away from the chaos and find a larger role — a six-year, $37 million contract certainly didn’t hurt either — Derek Fisher opted to sign with Golden State that summer over the only franchise he’d ever known.

Playing outside the overwhelming shadow of Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant, Fisher had the two best seasons of his career during a brief two-year stint with the Warriors.

In his inaugural run, the then-3-time champion averaged 11.9 points on 10.2 shots per game. The following year, those career-high marks were pushed higher to 13.3 points on 10.8 attempts a night.

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The team success wasn’t the type he’d previously experienced after his three-peat in Southern California, but Fisher was enjoying the newfound opportunities and the chance to impact the game in ways he hadn’t been able to since entering the NBA in 1996.

Despite the long-term deal, the Warriors were quick to part ways with Fisher when they traded him to the Utah Jazz in the summer of 2006 with four years left on his deal.