Cleveland Cavaliers: 3 benefits to starting Collin Sexton and Darius Garland

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(Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images) /
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Cleveland Cavaliers
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3. Speed

One of the first things that stand out when looking at Collin Sexton and Darius Garland is their speed.

Sexton is one of the fastest guards in the league, bursting up and down the court in transition. In the open floor, Sexton is a speed-demon that accelerates with the best of them.

As for Garland, his quickness is a little more hidden. Rather than having straight-line speed, Garland has a lightening quick first-step that helps him blow past defenders. Combine this with elite ball-handling and he is a tough player to stay in front of.

Together, Garland and Sexton will be a tough task for the defense. Either guard is capable of pushing the ball up the floor and initiating the offense, keeping opponents on their heels at all times.

Last season, the Cleveland Cavaliers played at an average pace of 97.38 possessions per game. This was the second slowest pace in the league, behind only the Memphis Grizzlies. With Sexton and Garland starting next to each other, expect this number to skyrocket.