Washington Wizards: 5 players facing most pressure in 2019-20

Photo by Stephen Gosling/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Stephen Gosling/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Washington Wizards
Photo by Barry Chin/The Boston Globe via Getty Images /

2. Isaiah Thomas

Isaiah Thomas is yet another player that is facing almost no pressure from the Washington Wizards. He signed a one-year deal for next to no money ($2.3 million) in a rebuilding year, so his contribution means very little to the team.

However, his contributions and his level of play mean everything to his career and his future in pro basketball. NBA teams and fans alike are wondering whether this 5’9” scoring machine still has All-Star potential after injuries have hampered him for the past two seasons.

After his two All-Star campaigns, Thomas played limited games the past two years and has not looked the same. He took most of the 2018-19 season off and had a full offseason to regain his strength and quickness, so he should have a clean slate heading into next season.

Whether he feels the pressure to succeed once again or not, Thomas deserves a win this season, though it will probably not be in the standings.

IT may not get to start with Bradley Beal leading the scoring for the first team, but he could easily be the sixth man and second-leading scorer on a team that will struggle to find baskets.

This season will be like a long tryout for the final pick in the 2011 NBA Draft. If he plays well then he earns a spot in the league for a few more years. If not, his NBA career is likely winding down. But none of the pressure is being placed on him by this Wizards team.

For Thomas’ situation, Washington is a great fit because he can take a leadership role both on and off the court. This way the 30-year-old can show NBA teams during his “tryout” that he is both a leading scorer and a veteran mentor for young players.

Despite not feeling pressure from the Wizards, IT will feel the heat of trying to get back into full form, making him the second most pressured player on the team for the 2019-20 season.