3 reasons why Jimmy Butler would fit on the Houston Rockets

Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images
Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images /
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Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images
Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images /

2. Provides the offense with an added wrinkle

Although Houston currently possesses one of the most dynamic offenses in basketball with the help of James Harden and Chris Paul, landing a player of Butler’s caliber would provide the Rockets offense with a special counterpunch that could prove to be key during the postseason grind.

Despite Houston operating mostly out of basic pick-and-roll sets that develop into iso opportunities when opponents switch on defense, Butler would grant Harden and Paul with a quality option who can generate offense by moving without the ball.

He’d also serve as a secondary ball-handler who is capable of attacking opposing defenses off the dribble, as Butler has the quickness and skills to score in a myriad of ways, via driving or cutting to the rim.

This is one particular wrinkle that Houston presently lacks within the overall flow of its offense, and it could be very dangerous if paired with Harden and Paul. Butler’s inclination to operate without the basketball could make him the immediate beneficiary of scoring chances facilitated by two of the game’s premier passers from the moment he arrives.

Despite being known as a relatively average 3-point shooter from beyond the arc, Butler has the ability to easily turn the following trend around with the help of a spaced-out floor to operate in Houston.

Should he land alongside two willing passers who will seek to find him for spot-up shooting opportunities as often as when he cuts to the basket, the former Marquette product has shown an improved stroke in catch-and-shoot situations from downtown.

In addition to a very mature game on the low post, Butler could very well be the perfect counterbalance piece alongside Harden and Paul’s attack.