Detroit Pistons: 5 takeaways from the 2018-19 NBA season

Photo by Brian Sevald/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Brian Sevald/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Photo by Chris Schwegler/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Chris Schwegler/NBAE via Getty Images /

3. Blake Griffin needs help

Griffin had three games this season with at least 40 points, including one game with 50. No other player on the team had one. None of the other 19 players that suited up for the Pistons this season hit the 40-point mark. For comparison, the Golden State Warriors had three players hit this mark at least once. The team’s first-round sweep at the hands Bucks showed how overmatched they are if Griffin isn’t dragging them to victory.

Kennard is the only player on the team that can put up points in super quick fashion, as the remainder of the team lacks elite scorers or shooters at any level. As the year wore on, the toll his workload took eventually wore Griffin’s body down. The team needs to surround him with more talent to keep him fresh for the entire season and into the playoffs.

Detroit has a good amount of defensive-minded guys on the roster, but the team plays too old school in a modern NBA that requires adaptation. Griffin is going to give the Pistons a consistent level of production, but in the modern NBA, you need an elite team construction or another star to ease that workload. They have to accomplish one or the other this offseason.