Detroit Pistons: Top 10 moments of the 2018-19 NBA season

Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images
Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images /
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Photo by Cassy Athena/Getty Images
Photo by Cassy Athena/Getty Images /

2. Blake Griffin shows out in his return against the Los Angeles Clippers

This was a close second in my opinion. Griffin was declared a Clipper for life, and then he was promptly traded less than a year later.

In his return to play against the team that drafted him, he said that he was returning as a Piston, not as an ex-Clipper. He was embracing his new city and team identity, and he put on a show in the process.

He finished his first game back at the Staples Center against his old team with 44 points, eight rebounds and five assists. He made five of his 13 3-pointers, and he was aggressive with a 13-of-14 mark from the free throw line.

Griffin wanted to make a statement to his former team that they made a mistake in letting him go. He had been making that statement for months with the great play he had been putting forth.

Putting up nearly 50 points against the Clippers in his first game against them is a pretty big statement. Griffin may have just recently become a Piston, but he seemed more than happy with the change given how well he played.