New York Knicks: Top 20 plays of the 2018-19 NBA season

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New York Knicks
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14. Allonzo Trier with the best possible entrance

Saying Trier has been good since day 1 is not an overstatement. This is a highlight from literally the third quarter of the team’s season opener against the Atlanta Hawks. Trier drove down the lane, throwing down this posterizing slam with the fans in Madison Square Garden being left speechless.

Allonzo finished his NBA debut with 15 points on 5-of-9 shooting from the field and two blocks. He managed to steal the show from the team’s first round draft pick, Kevin Knox, who struggled with his shooting.

This just goes to show that working hard and keeping your head down almost always pays off.

13. Noah Vonleh electrifying MSG

In another showcase against the Atlanta Hawks, this time it was Noah Vonleh that electrified New York fans with his tremendous dunk. He posterized 7’0” center Alex Len with his teammates going nuts on the bench.

This time it was the Hawks coming out on top with the win, but that didn’t prevent Vonleh from doing his thing, having yet another double-double — a feat that he accomplished 18 times during the season.