Phoenix Suns: Top 20 plays of the 2018-19 NBA season

Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images
Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images /
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Phoenix Suns
Photo by Barry Gossage/NBAE via Getty Images /

9. Richaun Holmes’ windmill vs. Bucks

In yet another rare win on March 4, the Suns became the first team in the NBA to beat the Milwaukee Bucks twice this season, emerging with a nine-point win at home after trailing by double-digits early on.

The second quarter was when Phoenix began to turn things around, and as he did many times throughout the 2018-19 campaign, Richaun Holmes made a big-time play that injected some life back into a crowd that hadn’t had much to cheer about.

With the Suns trailing by 13, Mikal Bridges came up with a steal and quickly found Jamal Crawford on the break. He kicked it down to Holmes, who had been trailing the play after a turnover. Holmes caught the ball while taking a simple drop-step toward the rim, and not many were prepared for the windmill he unleashed:

Windmills are almost always impressive, but to throw one down off a simple pivot like that? Without getting a running start? That’s a windmill worthy of the top 10.