Memphis Grizzlies: 3 takeaways from 2018-19 season opener

Photo by Ron Hoskins/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Ron Hoskins/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images /

2. Offense is a work in progress

Bad shooting nights are going to happen from time to time. However, as previously stated, the offense generated few open or good looks on the night. The Grizzlies lack a player that can easily break down defenses on any play, so they need to scheme players open otherwise. Guys like Chandler Parsons and Garrett Temple have shown the ability to be reliable shooters, but they need more open looks to get to show that off.

Too often throughout the game, players were forcing up long 2s or contested 3-point attempts. Neither of these shots is very efficient, especially when the NBA has been stretching further and further away from the basket in the last few years. The team lacks an excess of elite marksmen, which gives them all the more reason to focus on screening open the shooters they do have.

Their defense has always been their identity, and they should maintain that this year, but they need to score to keep up with teams. A possible option is using Gasol as the hub their offense operates around, similar to Jokic with the Nuggets. Cutters heading toward the basket while Gasol works at the elbow to find them could prove effective.