Buying, selling LeBron James’ top rumored free agency landing spots

Photo by David Liam Kyle/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by David Liam Kyle/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images /

Miami Heat: Selling

I’m sorry, but no. This seems to be wishful thinking from South Beach fans who are desperately hoping their team can reinstate their “contender” status overnight.

LeBron’s been there and done that. He already spurned the Cavaliers by signing with the Heat. It was a good four years. A couple of rings were won, lifelong friendships were made, everything was dandy. Then he bid Miami farewell and came back home.

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That chapter is over. The only reason he returned to Cleveland was because he felt he owed the city something. Well, he got the Heat two titles — James already did his part for the franchise.

It’s my belief that Dwyane Wade is the only thing turning this into a talking point. We all know James has an affinity for playing with his friends, and rightfully so. Especially as one of the greatest athletes of all-time, it’s understandable for him to seek out an opportunity to play for like-minded players who he’s built chemistry with. It’s not enough, though.

The Heat aren’t in a position to contend, especially with Hassan Whiteside‘s situation being where it is. Wade is getting to the end of his effective years, although it appears he does still have a few good games in him. Goran Dragic is a solid veteran point guard and Bam Adebayo flashed some upside as a rookie. Stil, the overall package isn’t there.

It would be a great storyline, but I’m not buying it. Until I hear word from the horse’s mouth, I’m not taking the Heat’s candidacy seriously.