Phoenix Suns: 4 reasons Josh Jackson should start over T.J. Warren

Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images
Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images /

3. Insane athleticism

Something that is not a debate is that Josh Jackson is the more explosive and athletic player between him and Warren. In this draft class, perhaps outside of Dallas’ Dennis Smith Jr., Josh Jackson may be the second-most explosive player among this season’s rookies.

Being able to add a player with that kind of explosiveness doesn’t come around often for a franchise. An insane thing to think about is that with professional help like weight training, dieting, and having the only responsibility every day be working on your craft, the sky is the limit with how dynamic Jackson can be.

A player in the league with similar bounce and explosiveness on the wing, is Zach LaVine. When LaVine was a college player at UCLA, he was springy and electrified the Bruins fans with some powerful dunks. Since being a pro, LaVine has added some serious poster-worthy slam dunks and a couple Slam Dunk Contest trophies.

Nobody’s saying that Jackson will win the Dunk Contest, and perhaps LaVine isn’t the best comparison considering his recent injury, but something that has to be noted is how this 20-year-old will only get more athletic and more explosive.

Look out big men around the rim. You may be on a poster soon.