Los Angeles Lakers: 5 best players in franchise history to never win a ring

Photo by Brian Drake/NBAE via Getty Images
Photo by Brian Drake/NBAE via Getty Images /
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Elgin Baylor Los Angeles Lakers
Photo by Dick Raphael/NBAE via Getty Images /

Elgin Baylor

Here’s the truly crazy thing about Elgin Baylor. During his 14 seasons (all with the Lakers), he went to eight NBA Finals. In all eight of those series, he lost — seven of which were lost against the Celtics. But wait, there’s more!

Technically, Baylor was a part of the 1971-72 Lakers that went on to win it all. However, at 37 years of age, a nagging knee injury forced him into retirement nine games into the season. Had he just stuck it out for one more year, Baylor wouldn’t fit the criteria for this list.

That’s the thing, though — he didn’t stick it out. Instead, he hung it up and watched his teammates lead the Lakers to the mountaintop. That’s why he now finds himself among the best players in NBA history who weren’t a part of a championship squad. Some might even say he is the best player to never win a ring.

Now this does come with a caveat of sorts. Technically, Baylor did receive a ring for his efforts (however minimal) that season. Still, at least in my book, it’s a ring he didn’t truly earn because he was no longer a part of the team.

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Either way, Baylor will go down as one of the most dynamic shooters of all time. He was a wizard with the basketball, using his unique athleticism and scoring prowess to frustrate opponents while putting up big points. If it wasn’t for that blasted knee injury, he would have been a key cog for one of the greatest teams the Lakers ever assembled.