A position-by-position breakdown of the 2016 NBA Finals. Which team has the better roster: the Cleveland Cavaliers or Golden State Warriors?

A brilliant head coach, a masterful system, and a methodical approach to in-game adjustments; championships aren’t won without some combination of those traits. For as true as that may be, the game of basketball has always come down to execution.
If the players can’t hold up their end of the bargain and make plays when their number is called, no system can save them.
Thus, in evaluating the 2016 NBA Finals, a question beckons: which team is better on paper? Paper rosters don’t decide the outcome of a series, but the matchups will always be critical to acknowledge.
Between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors, the positional matchups are nothing short of fascinating.
At all five positions, there are high-caliber players on both of the contending teams. Not every player will dominate or excel, but every one of them will be expected to perform at a high enough level to facilitate victory.
The question is, which team wins the position-by-position rbeakdown?
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