25 Worst NBA Contracts Ever

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25. Tom Gugliotta

Tom Gugliotta was the sixth overall pick in the 1992 draft, coming out of NC State, and after joining the Minnesota Timberwolves in 1994, he appeared to be blossoming into a very good and potentially great player. By the time his contract in Minnesota was expiring, Gugliotta was averaging more than 20 points and eight rebounds per game.

This convinced the Phoenix Suns, in the crazy lockout induced free agent bonanza of the 1998-99 offseason, to throw a crazy six-year, $58.5 million offer at what they hoped would be their power forward of the future.

At first, the signing seemed to be paying off, as Gugliotta produced right away, but in December 1999, Gugliotta collapsed and stopped breathing for a short period of time after taking what he thought was a sleep aid.

That episode, combined with a devastating knee injury later in the season destroyed Gugliotta’s career. While he played into the 2004-05 season, Gugliotta was never the same player.

Next: 24 - Corey Maggette