It was a big Tuesday afternoon in the Dallas Metroplex, as the newest members of the Dallas Mavericks (and some returning members, like Tyson Chandler) were introduced at American Airlines Center.
But before any of that happened and before anybody even came to the podium, there was this.
Oh. My. So beautiful.
The Dallas Skyline design was the winner of the Mavs’ uniform contest that Mark Cuban held awhile back. Geoff Case was the one behind this design, and as of now, the dark blue ones will be used during the 2015-16 season. Geoff’s design was submitted to crowdSPRING, and you can find them here. Also, don’t rule out the possibility of the home jerseys, or even those green accented ones.
And if they wear these…
I don’t care how it’s done, when it is or where it is. At some point, whether it be the playoffs or some random road game, these need to be worn. I have fallen head over heels for this jersey. I saw this when I was in class earlier today, and I damn near fainted at the pure awesomeness that the Mavs, for the first time ever, will have an ALL-BLACK UNIFORM.
Let that sink in for a minute. It’s been too long. The Mavs have gone all green and (help us all), all silver. Now, all black jerseys are the here and now. I haven’t bought a sports jersey in years, but count me in for this one whenever it releases to the NBA store. This is just amazing.
The skyline design on the front brings out the awesomeness in these jerseys. When asked for his reasoning for it, the good folks at Mavs Moneyball got a word from Case on what inspired him to go with this design.
"I knew people would remark that it was a Denver/Seattle rip but honestly I believe those are some of the best jersey designs in history. I also believe that we have more right as a city to have the skyline on a jersey than those other guys.Here’s why: The Mavs and the ACC are the main reason that downtown/uptown areas have been revitalized in the last decade. The Dirty/Filthy/Nashty/Cuban era got people excited about going to downtown again. Suddenly it was cool to catch a Mavs game and hit the bars afterward. Heck, you might have even seen Dirk and Nash playing pool. What better way to honor the turnaround of the Mavericks and the downtown area by cementing that legacy and story in a jersey design. It also provides emotional and visual context to the experience of going to a MAVS game with one of the city’s most recognizable features. It incorporates the branding of the current mavs (cost effective) and gives me a killer jersey to rock in my video game that reps my city.I just wanted to explain why I went the way I did with the design.MFFL baby!"
Agreed. The skyline for the Nuggets and Sonics was a great touch. I would’ve mainly preferred something that paid homage to the old-school logo, but these will work just fine.
One thing that should be noted here: Take a look at the jersey that Cuban is holding up next to mock one.
No Reunion Tower? Cuban admitted that the jersey used during the presentation was rushed, and with these not coming out for another year, there’s plenty of time to get the jerseys cleaned up.
What do you think of these jerseys?